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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Awesome cafe's and breakfast pics

 I decided to start posting more pictures of my breakfasts that I make: usually oats with some sort of hemp or almond milk and loads of organic goodies. I went to several lovely cafe's with friends this week and enjoyed soy latte's and took pics of my friend's food to post. I am doing some reading on the Nicholas Flamel book series, which I am thoroughly enjoying so far. I have a friend who is swapping their copies of Game of Thrones books with my Nicholas Flamel books after I read them so I am excited. It is wonderful to have such great friends who will loan you all the great books from their collections! I can't stand those people who dont' trust friends with their books and get all up tight about it. Books are for cherishing but also loaning and if you can't trust a friend with your books than maybe you should chill our or find more trust worthy friends. Just saying :)

We are also growing pretty sunflowers that are growing quite tall at the moment so I am thrilled about this. I have an entire herb garden going right now with every herb one can imagine. If you don't have an herb garden I suggest you grow some if you can. Not everyone is fortunate to have a bigger yard. I have friends wit apartments and no yard but I have encouraged them to grow things in small pots. I have a very good friend who has no yard yet is sustaining a fabulous and always growing garden. I love going over to friend's places and eating tomatoes and other things in season. Later on in the week some of my best friends came over and had  Johnny Depp movie marathon with me and we drank coffee from our favorite cafe'. I hope you all have had a great week.

My ever growing Johnny Depp movie collection :) 

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