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Monday, August 13, 2012

Mark Brown's photography show

One of the pieces I bought. I loved this.

My friends holding down the fort ;)

The talented Mark Brown in front of one of is amazing pieces.

Sunday evening my friend Mark Brown and his wife Donna held a really cool photography show fundraiser for their aid work in Central Asia. I met Mark a few years ago and have always loved his photography but it was amazing to see his work up close and personal. It was a very nice turn out last night. His work ranged from minimalist pieces that were so simplistic they almost looked as if they were pen and ink to more complex incredible land scape pieces. He really captures the soul of each subject and has a story behind everything. There were so many photographs I wanted to buy but I picked three of my favorites: A really cool photo of deer called "The Sentinels" in the tall grass that showed his incredible depth of field, a minimalist tree branch in the snow photo and a small picture of school children in Afghanistan. He had some other incredible pieces of forests and trees and of of Garin Park that had a Lord of the Rings like vibe.

Some of my other favorite photos were his Afghanistan pieces. He played with color extremely well in those. Some were subtle others were colors of people and bright clothing juxtaposed against black and white settings. I loved his nature landscapes as well. They weren't cliche at all, they were very different. He has a way of capturing things so they almost have a fantasy like feel. He can photograph a tree root and it takes on a life of it's own. My friend Emily picked up a really cool tree piece that I totally dug. Some of his rolling landscapes looked amazing mixed in with more minimal shots that had a really cool indie rock feel to it. The thing I liked about the show was how different each photograph looked. There was a a definite mixture of styles and I really enjoyed that. It was one of those shows where you wanted to keep going back over and over again to look at each piece. It was a great show and it was fun to mingle with other artists, photography enthusiasts and be able to chat with Donna Brown and others.

Go here to check out more of Mark's work: Mark Brown Photography

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